Wednesday, July 31, 2019

High Fructose Corn Syrup

High-fructose corn syrup is an artificial sweetener generally used in the United States. It is so broadly used because it is both cost-effectively favorable and it helps to preserve food for extended periods of time. Some say that though it is favorable, it has ill effects. High Fructose Corn Syrup According to a 2008 USA Today Article, â€Å"high-fructose corn syrup makes up about 50% of the sweeteners used in the USA but worldwide it's only about 10%†. Every day we eat. We eat our home cooked meals or our fast food rarely thinking about what’s going into our bodies.Often times one of the first ingredients listed on a can of soda or canned fruit is some form of HFCS or high fructose corn syrup. This ingredient, while widely known, is a secret additive to many products in our grocery stores. High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the cheapest to make but yet it is the hardest for the body to rid of. Since its introduction to food products nearly forty years ago, it has slow ly been added to most foods you feel your family. We as consumers may not pay attention to what goes into our bodies but more and more scientists are.The studies they are conducting mainly consist of trying to find links between HFCS and several major health problems; such as diabetes and obesity. Although key links have not been defined, they have managed to prove what amounts that can be consumed before harm can be determined. Even though these findings have been confirmed and made public, the FDA still considers HFCS to be safe for consumption. The FDA rule says that as long as a product has no chemicals added it cannot be labeled an â€Å"artificial ingredient†. The reason behind this is because HFCS are made from corn, it is not considered an artificial ingredient.The origin of High Fructose Corn Syrup takes its root in the mid 1970’s. A series of sugar tariffs and quotas were imposed in the United States. These restrictions had significantly increased the cost of imported sugar causing domestic producers to seek cheaper avenues. High-fructose corn syrup became a more economical substitue because the price of corn is kept low through government subsidies paid to its growers. As the United States use of high fructose corn syrup increased, sugar was replaced in most foods and beverages. There is USDA data from 2009 that shows the per capita use of high fructose corn syrup in the U.S. â€Å"was matched with an almost equal decline, on a one-to-one basis, in the per capita use of sugar. † (Sweet Surprize) So why is there mass campaign to revert back to sugar cane or beet sugar based sweetners? Americans have become more health conscious in the last forty years. Our fear of high-fructose corn syrup seems to have been derived from some very real concerns over the effects of its principal component, fructose. The coinsidence between the introduction of HFCS and the rise of obesity related diseases can no longer be ignored.Diabetes is a disea se with no cure that is running rampet through the country and heart failure remains a syndrome on high. Fructose, like glucose are basic sugars. Though your body processes basic sugars the same way, the results seem to be different. (Engber, 09) When ingesting glucose, the body is known to stimulate the release of body chemicals that regulate your food consumption. Fructose, on the other hand, does very little to suppress your appetite, and it seems to form new fat cells while maintaining the old.According to a recent research project conducted at Princeton University high-fructose corn syrup does indeed prompt a human to considerably gain weight. â€Å"Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same. † (Parker, 10)   In addition to causing significant weight gain in lab animals, long-term consumption of high-fructose corn syrup was also evaluated. The s ame research team found that HFCS led to abnormal increases in body fat. These increases seemed to be found in the abdomen area.Body fat was not the only increases found. It was also discovered that HFCS caused a rise in blood fats called triglycerides. The Corn Refiners Association (CRA) has spent $30 million to create a multimedia campaign to scream out to the masses that HFCS is just like sugar. (Engber, 09) The Princeton study, is not proving them wrong but are providing the details that show that while they are basic sugars, not all basic surgars are created equal. First, sucrose is composed of two simple sugars equally while fructose is not. The ratio in sucrose is 50:50 while fructose is 55:42. Parker, 10) The extra 3% is made up of saccharides, larger sugar molecules. Secondly, Princeton researchers zeroed in on the process in which makes sucrose and HFCS is different.The results showed that the molecues that make HFCS are unbound and free floating. In sucrose the fructose a nd sucrose molecues are bound to each other causing an extra metabolical process in order to be utilized for energy. This posed a quandary for the researchers. The rats consumed the same items, same caloric intake, yet those who consumed HFCS gained weight while those who did not, had not gained weight. Parker, 10) A little over a year earlier, the Washington Post published a study confirmed by both Enviornmental Science and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy that there are traces of mercury in HFCS. â€Å"Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury. † [ (Washington Post, 09) ] This was result found in many products where HFCS is either the first or second ingredient listed on the label. While the article quote that nearly children and teenagers diet consists of nearly 80% HFCS, they remind readers that mercury at any level is toxic.The CRA responded that the information presented was based on old information and that the industry adapted non-mercury agents and that â€Å"these mercury-free re-agents perform important functions, including adjusting pH balances. † [ (Washington Post, 09) ] Regardless, we as well as our children are or have consumed an ingredient that has toxic traces. Over a lifetime, imagine what that can do to the human body. The CRA has been very careful when attacking the fear that HFCS is envoking. According to their website, they maintain the stance that HFCS are all natural.The page opens up with their statement that HFCS â€Å"†¦are natural and meet the Food and Drug Administration’s policy for use of the term â€Å"natural. † (CRA, 09) They also side step the specifics of the HFCS make up claiming that HFCS simply is â€Å"like table sugar, is composed of fructose and glucose† but that it is also â€Å"found in many other naturally-occurring foods†. In the end they seem to quietly divert blame to the FDA by stating the FDA â€Å"h as not established a formal definition of the term â€Å"natural† for food ingredients† but that they qualify for natural under the current definition.This is still despite the Washington Post article confirming that the FDA has the mercury information. While many of these studies continue to support the Princeton research, the CRA will continue to spend countless amounts of money to combat the findings. Though in the last decade this issue has become more promient, it will probably continue for years to come. In the meantime, obesity related diseases continue to rise. The cure is just out of reach but it seems that we can indivually take a stand. With many products using HFCS for various amount of sweetning, we can limit our in take.Limiting our in take is as simple as reading the labels of the food and drink you consume. Limit your fast food intake as well. While this seems to be old fashion or time consuming to some, we need to revert back to the days where meals whe re made from scratch. Cut up fresh vegetables and fruits and limit processed foods. Canned foods, frozen foods and even the juice we drink is laden with some form of HFCS. If we as consumers take responsibility for our own food in take, we may be able to reverse the (potential and known) effects of the ingredient in our bodies.As mentioned earlier, 80% of what children consume has some form of HFCS. With the increase in obesity (both child and adult) as well as other syndromes like ADD and Autism, can we assume that our food is to blame? Thinking about the age old idiom of â€Å"we are what we eat†, are we making our bodies and later our creating our children bodies to fall victim to these now chronic disorders? We have always heard to limit our sugar intake to retard the hyperactive tendencies. With that assumption the use of basic sugars have always sent off alarms when it comes to those with hyperactivity disorders.The association between sugar and hyperactivity disorders began by a Harvard researcher in the the 1960’s. He claimed his findings showed that certain food colorings and sugars caused ADHD in children. (Ayoob) Though it has been said that this researchers findings could not be reproduced, the statement has stuck for years. Many mothers refuse to give their children sugar for fear of over stimulation. They were right, to an extent. As many know, sugar does produce spurts of energy as it is being digested. Couple that with a child and you have one bouncy human being.With each person metabolizing sugar a bit differently, mistakes or a misdiagnosis can easily be made. It would be easy to initially mistaken a sugar high child for one with with ADD or any other related syndrome. An unknowing parent, may not know how much sugar the child is consuming and mistakenly percieves this as a â€Å"problem child† with a hyperactive disorder. The parent in turn speaks with a doctor, discusses all the symptoms and after a series of tests, the truth comes to light. I have a child that has a level of autism and ADHD.It was suggested to me, much like Dr. Anne Kelly suggests, that eliminating chemicals from their diets can help limit ADHD triggers. Dr. Kelly also shares how children with these disorders are more sensitive to toxins found in food. Toxins like the previously mentioned mercury found in HFCS. [ (Howard, 10) ] I have children, I have family members and friends affected by obesity and its consequences. I am not within my BMI, and neither are most people I know but what this assignment has taught me is that we shouldn’t take for granted what we consume.For a period of time while researching and writing this paper, I thought what it would entail to grow my own garden. While I am sure that there will be a lot of trial and error, I just might be able to do something small at least. Meanwhile, I will pratice what I preach and pay attention to labels as I shop for groceries. Sadly, time management is an issue as I juggle both my children and their schooling with my own. We are a busy family just like many others. An effort must and will be made to pay attention to the items I purchase. Normal, quick and easy items I would purchase would now be turned into treats if even that.As I sit here and contemplate, I can see where an undertaking of this nature would be life altering in a sense. How I allocate my time, my childrens time besides what we consume is all under review. My mind wonders to what kitchen appliances and utenzils do I have to upkeep this adjustment, what do I have to buy or learn how to do myself. I was raised in a busy working family where many of my own meals were microwaved. Though I try hard now to not make that a normal occurance for my children, it happens more often than I would care to admit.Though the research and arguments will continue for years to come, I will take action today. I will make strides for my family and friends to choose healthier alternatives and maybe even find joy in cooking. Bring cooking back to what it once was, a family event. Where family can come together and catch up, talk and reconnect. Who knew that research could lead to life adjustements.Works CitedAyoob, K. -T. (n. d. ). High Fructose Corn Syrup and ADD/ADHD in Children: Is There a Link or Is It a Myth? Retrieved 12 08, 10, from Sweet Surprize: http://www. sweetsurprise. com/hfcs-and-your-family/your-childs-diet/hfcs-adhd  CRA. (09, 12).CORN SWEETENERS ARE NATURAL. Retrieved 12 08, 10, from Corn Refiners of America: http://www. corn. org/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/CornSweetenerNatural. pdf Engber, D. (09, 04 28).The decline and fall of high-fructose corn syrup. Retrieved 12 08, 10, from Slate Magazine: http://www. slate. com/id/2216796 Howard, C. (10, 02 26).Toxins in our food may play a role in neurobehavioral problems. Retrieved 12 08, 10, from Peoria Journal Star Online: http://www. pjstar. com/features/x2112775064/Toxins-in-our-food-may-play-a-role-in-neurobeh avioral-problems Parker, H. (10, 03 22).A sweet problem: Princeton researchers find that high-fructose corn syrup prompts considerably more weight gain. Retrieved 12 08, 10, from Princeton Univeristy News Online: http://www. princeton. edu/main/news/archive/S26/91/22K07/ Sweet Surprize. (n. d. ).Fructose Availability. Retrieved 12 08, 10, from Sweet Surprize: http://www. sweetsurprise. com/myths-and-facts/faqs-high-fructose-corn-syrup/fructose Washington Post. (09, 01 29).Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury. Retrieved 12 08, 10, from Washington Post Online: http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/26/AR2009012601831. html High Fructose Corn Syrup High Fructose Corn Syrup: Friend or Enemy We eat every day, rarely thinking about what’s going into our bodies. Take soda, for example, when was the last time you read the label before taking a sip? For me, it is never. One of the first ingredients listed on the can is HFCS or high fructose corn syrup. This ingredient is a secret additive to many products in today's market. High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the cheapest to make and hardest to get rid of in the body. Since its introduction to food products in the 70's it has slowly been added to most foods, even ketchup. More and more scientists are trying to find links between HFCS and several major health problems; such as diabetes and obesity. Although a major link has not been definitely determined to date, minor links have been proven such as such as the amounts that can be consumed before harm can be determined. Even though some minor associations have been made the FDA still considers HFCS to be safe for consumption. The reason for this is because HFCS is not considered an artificial ingredient. The rule considered is as long as a product has no signs of a chemical added it cannot be labeled an â€Å"artificial ingredient†. In researching the origin of High Fructose Corn Syrup I found out that mercury was found in the product. Even with this new information, the FDA still allows this product to be used in 94% of the foods we consume every day. Why would you need to put HFCS in baby formula? In places like England and France they have practically banned HFCS and made it difficult to use in the entire country. The European Union has a deal with the Sugar Refiners to only use natural cane and beet sugars. High Fructose or Syrup as you now knows are any almost everything we eat and drink. But what you don't know is what it is really doing inside your body. High Fructose Corn Syrup started being mass produced in 1982. It was around that time that researchers noticed an increase in children developing type II diabetes. Obesity around the country has soared. Type 2 diabetes is related to the body's inability to effectively use the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. This is thought to be directly related to weight. It has been proven that HFCS also cause heart problems. This is also thought to be weight related. Despite all the recent attempts to try and prove HFCS unhealthy effects, the Corn Refiners Association has come out with campaigns in High Fructose Corn Syrup's defense. They state the HFCS are not bad and are ok when eaten in moderation. There is no such thing as moderation when it is found in 94 % of the food. While more cons can be found than pros for HFCS; the Corn RefinersAssociation stands behind their product. In fact all the pros I found came from the CRA. The only truth I found was that it is cheaper to produce. Their website has no real information; and in fact called what many to believe to be truths myths. Although the Corn Refiners Association proved to be pointless my endless goggle search did take me too many blogs and organizations which I found to be very informative. Even though the bloggers were only expressing their opinion, many found HFCS to be repulsive. Many of the organizations say they are 20 xs bad for your health. The most informative was HighFructoseCornSyrup. com they are a group of bloggers that I agree with. Each of their articles deal with HFCS in the media and how it is affecting us as a society. After reading all this information and making my way through my research, I began to question what I was eating. Is this slurpee chockfull of HFCS? Of course, just look at how sweet it is. Is my burger only good because that ketchup it’s covered with is full of â€Å"sugar†, I mean high fructose corn syrup? Maybe I'm just losing it because I didn't want to believe what I had been hearing for years was true. Is my weight gain because I eat too much or is it the Additive that is in so many of the foods I eat that caused the weight gain in the first place? Hmm! Although it has been on the market for about 35 years most thought their weight gain was cased only by a lack of exercise. With obesity at epidemic proportions many are starting to question is it something in the food too? High Fructose Corn Syrup High Fructose Corn Syrup: Friend or Enemy We eat every day, rarely thinking about what’s going into our bodies. Take soda, for example, when was the last time you read the label before taking a sip? For me, it is never. One of the first ingredients listed on the can is HFCS or high fructose corn syrup. This ingredient is a secret additive to many products in today's market. High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the cheapest to make and hardest to get rid of in the body. Since its introduction to food products in the 70's it has slowly been added to most foods, even ketchup. More and more scientists are trying to find links between HFCS and several major health problems; such as diabetes and obesity. Although a major link has not been definitely determined to date, minor links have been proven such as such as the amounts that can be consumed before harm can be determined. Even though some minor associations have been made the FDA still considers HFCS to be safe for consumption. The reason for this is because HFCS is not considered an artificial ingredient. The rule considered is as long as a product has no signs of a chemical added it cannot be labeled an â€Å"artificial ingredient†. In researching the origin of High Fructose Corn Syrup I found out that mercury was found in the product. Even with this new information, the FDA still allows this product to be used in 94% of the foods we consume every day. Why would you need to put HFCS in baby formula? In places like England and France they have practically banned HFCS and made it difficult to use in the entire country. The European Union has a deal with the Sugar Refiners to only use natural cane and beet sugars. High Fructose or Syrup as you now knows are any almost everything we eat and drink. But what you don't know is what it is really doing inside your body. High Fructose Corn Syrup started being mass produced in 1982. It was around that time that researchers noticed an increase in children developing type II diabetes. Obesity around the country has soared. Type 2 diabetes is related to the body's inability to effectively use the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. This is thought to be directly related to weight. It has been proven that HFCS also cause heart problems. This is also thought to be weight related. Despite all the recent attempts to try and prove HFCS unhealthy effects, the Corn Refiners Association has come out with campaigns in High Fructose Corn Syrup's defense. They state the HFCS are not bad and are ok when eaten in moderation. There is no such thing as moderation when it is found in 94 % of the food. While more cons can be found than pros for HFCS; the Corn RefinersAssociation stands behind their product. In fact all the pros I found came from the CRA. The only truth I found was that it is cheaper to produce. Their website has no real information; and in fact called what many to believe to be truths myths. Although the Corn Refiners Association proved to be pointless my endless goggle search did take me too many blogs and organizations which I found to be very informative. Even though the bloggers were only expressing their opinion, many found HFCS to be repulsive. Many of the organizations say they are 20 xs bad for your health. The most informative was HighFructoseCornSyrup. com they are a group of bloggers that I agree with. Each of their articles deal with HFCS in the media and how it is affecting us as a society. After reading all this information and making my way through my research, I began to question what I was eating. Is this slurpee chockfull of HFCS? Of course, just look at how sweet it is. Is my burger only good because that ketchup it’s covered with is full of â€Å"sugar†, I mean high fructose corn syrup? Maybe I'm just losing it because I didn't want to believe what I had been hearing for years was true. Is my weight gain because I eat too much or is it the Additive that is in so many of the foods I eat that caused the weight gain in the first place? Hmm! Although it has been on the market for about 35 years most thought their weight gain was cased only by a lack of exercise. With obesity at epidemic proportions many are starting to question is it something in the food too?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Clancy of the Overflow

Bush poetry gives people a unique and interesting prospective into the people who made this country the way it is today and the history behind it. Clancy of the Overflow is a well known bush poem by poet AB â€Å"Banjo† Paterson. Clancy of the overflow is about a person from the city who met a drover/ shearer named Clancy. After meeting him he becomes jealous of Clancy’s lifestyle which is better than his city life. In this poem Banjo uses a variety of poetic devices to get his message across like the use of suggestive language, descriptive language and imagery.Banjo uses suggestive language to make the reader realise that country life is much better than city life where it is crowded and dirty. This becomes evident where the speaker says â€Å"As the stock are slowly stringing, Clancy rides behind them singing, for the drover's life has pleasures that the townsfolk never know. † And also â€Å"the foetid air and gritty of the dusty, dirty city through the open window floating, spreads its foulness over all. † These quotes suggest that Banjo is trying to convey that city life isn’t as good as country life where you can be free instead of being stuck in an office all day being sweaty and sticky.Banjo tries to convey that being in the country is a better quality of life. â€Å"In the murmur of the breezes and the river on its bars, and he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended†. This suggests that Banjo is tying to convince the readers that the ideal Australian person has bushman like qualities eg friendliness, adventurous and laid back opposed to the people living in the city who are condescending, unfriendly and arrogant. Banjo also uses descriptive language he uses this to silence all the negative aspects of the country life and any positive aspect of the city life.He uses the words â€Å"sunlit plains†, â€Å"wondrous glory† and â€Å"vision splendid† to describe the country lifest yle and the words â€Å"dingy little office†, â€Å"foetid air† and â€Å"dirty city† to describe the city lifestyle and a place you just don’t want to be. Banjo does this to persuade the reader in believing that the country lifestyle which is portrayed as free, clean and laid back is better than the city lifestyle which is portrayed as dirty, hot and boring.Banjo also makes the reader believe that the attractiveness of living off the land and idealizing the country life as a drover making the quality of life in the country seems greater than in the city. Banjo uses imagery and the first person point of view to help the reader imagine what it would be like to be a drover. The person living in the city imagines what Clancy the drover is doing and feeling while he is stuck in a hot office all day. â€Å"As the stock are slowly stringing, Clancy rides behind them singing† and also â€Å"He sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended and at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars. The city living character is conveying what Clancy the drover is doing and how peaceful it would be if he could do the same. He also says â€Å"And I somehow fancy that I'd like to change with Clancy. † This suggests that the city living character is somewhat jealous of Clancy, his job and his lifestyle. The city living character furthermore explains the city life as â€Å"Of the tramways and the buses making hurry down the street, and the language uninviting of the gutter children fighting†.This suggests that the he doesn’t like his life in the city and considers it as busy and also noisy. Banjo in this poem tries to convey that the typical Australian should be adventurous, pioneering, free and friendly which are qualities of a bushman. He portrays the beauty and peacefulness of living in the country as opposed to the hectic and dingy life of the city. Banjo reveals that the city dweller is envious of the drov er. Clancy personifies the vision which Banjo has on what the average Australian should be.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Web Services. Design Patterns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Web Services. Design Patterns - Essay Example Web services have appeared as a most attractive and extensible technology that facilitates application-to-application interaction, using open standards and protocols. At the present, the use of web service has become very common. Basically, a web service is a software application that is purposefully designed for running over the internet. In this scenario, the web server is used to host a web service that is accessible to its users for use over the internet. Once the web service is created, it has to be uploaded on a web host, with the intention that Web service can be made available to everyone over the Internet. We should not use web server for the purpose of testing a web service. A web service can be tested by making use of a local web server (VKInfotek, 2012; Wang et al., 2004). Basically, the web services are created to address the need of connecting applications from incompatible and mismatched environments, for instance UNIX and Windows, or J2EE and .NET. The main theme behi nd the emergence of Web services was basically to efficiently deal with the challenge of interoperability and integration of applications developed in diverse platforms. In addition, Web services support almost all the programming languages on any platform. Additionally, the web services can also be used in the case when there is need to apply a specific functionality, feature in a wide variety of business applications. In this scenario, the integration of a web service to a business application improves the functionality and scope of that particular application. Furthermore, a web service can be integrated with web applications, windows applications, mobile applications and websites (VKInfotek, 2012; Wang et al., 2004). In addition, there exist a wide variety of web services across the web that have the capability of carrying out simple as well as complex tasks for instance performing the simple task of information processing as well as executing complex business processes. Also, w e have a variety of standards and protocols that have been developed to deal with web services such as Web Services Description Language (WSDL) that presents machine-readable information of Web services, simple object access protocol (SOAP) that enables exchange of messages between Web services, a Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry which is a directory of Web services WSDLs (Wang et al., 2004; Phu, 2005). In the light of the above discussion, we can conclude that in the near future, Web application development will be dominated by Web Services, and it is expected that most web application development will involve just the calling of existing Web Services. DQ2: Other Design Patterns This week we discussed and implemented the MVC design pattern for Web based database interfaces. However, there are otherdesign patterns that may be directly applicable to PHP programming, orweb programming in general. Find another design pattern which could be used for web b ased development and write a synopsis on it, pointing out whether it would be applicable for use within your project or not. Comment as applicable on design patterns that other class membersprovide. â€Å"A design pattern points to an issue that can take place repeatedly in a programming environment, and then points out the idea of the way out to that issue. In this scenario, this solution can be applied to this or any other similar problem a million times over, even there is no need to do it the same way twice" (Wallace, 2000). In simple words, a design pattern describes a problem and its solution. However, descriptive name should be used for a design pattern so that it can be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Coaching Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Coaching Philosophy - Essay Example At all times, the coach will use statements that indicate confidence in players, practice fair treatment to all, and discuss no player with other or scolded them public. The coach trusts in the promoting and improving team member’s personal growth as the principal reason of athletics, especially the development of emotional, physical, social, rational, and moral capabilities. The coach will therefore, adhere to team’s core values during team practice, games, and events, as they are crucial for the success of and assisting athletes to become respectable role models. The values observed include family, respect, toughness, commitment, work ethic, passion, integrity, competitive, and toughness. Through these values, our team has cement needed to support the team’s path for 2014-2015 The coach trains the complete player by getting them to their maximum and filling them with positive stimulus, through passion to develop character, player, and team unity. Through these principles, players will play smart, have fun, remain composed, and not have fear of failure (Cassidy, Jones and Potrac

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research paper on methods of healthcare quality measurement Essay

Research paper on methods of healthcare quality measurement - Essay Example The following brief discussion will help the readers to understand the characteristics and aspects of these two measurement processes. Structural Quality Measurement Structural quality measurement generally comprises the resource characteristics in a healthcare system including groups of practitioners, individual practitioners, geographic location, accessibility of services, and systems of care. This structural quality measurement assesses the presumed capacity of practitioners (Donaldson, 1999). It helps to provide quality health care. The structural quality measurement helps the healthcare professional to assess specialty board certification, licensure and training structures. This measurement system helps to provide facility such private accreditation, safe physical attributes, government certification and effective procedures and policies. Process Quality Measurement The present quality of care literature is enriched with performance measurement discussion. It is one of the curre nt terminologies that are related to quality measurement. Process quality performance may include service, convenience, timeline and interpersonal aspects of care. This process quality performance measurement provides awareness and information to the patients. Moreover, it helps the patients to share their views and advice that can help in the decision making process. Example These two quality measurement methods are utilized in healthcare as important quality measurement tools. The following discussion will reveal the effectiveness of these two methods in the improvement of health care institution. Structural Quality Measurement in Healthcare The structural quality measurement method helps to assess nursing home care. It is evident that several complexities involved in the health care organization structure affect the quality of care. Due to the complexity, the health care institutions cannot follow the rules and regulations effectively (Penson & Wei, 2006). Therefore, in order to improve the organizational structure and level of care, several health care institutions implement the structural quality measurement process. A majority of patients in nursing homes used to file complaints against inadequate nursing care. The structural quality measurement helps the nurses or other health care staff to improve their skills and nursing care abilities. This process provides effective facility, training and staffing for the employees in a nursing home. Availability of patient care, nursing home workforce, and effective training programs needs careful review to judge the quality of care. Process Quality Measurement in Healthcare In nursing homes, several frequent problems include hazardous and uncertain environments, inadequate care plans and unsanitary food. In this kind of situation, process quality measurement methods are implemented in order to overcome the issues and improve the service and performance of healthcare. In terms of quality of the clinics, these measu rements generally focus on the management and diagnosis of the diseases. It also addresses preventive care such as disease screening (Brown & Remenyi, 2004). The results of these measurements are provided to the employees. It helps the employees to choose the health plans. A majority of healthcare systems provide consumer report cards. It helped the healthcare institutions to

NOMAD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

NOMAD - Essay Example NOMAD is a portable has light and uses a 14.4v rechargeable battery to get power. NOMAD is light in weight and reduced size and is designed with an intention for proper operator handing. The beam of the machine is 1.5mm. When using this machine source to skin distance is kept at 20 – 30cm. The peak potential radiographic parameters and anode current are both fixed at60kv and 2.3 MA. The worker can only adjust the irradiation time which can change from 0.01 to 0.99. The NOMAD is a highly advantageous machine as it has the benefit of giving good result with dental imaging. Obtaining post mortem radiograph is an exclusive feature of NOMAD x ray machine. This machine was first used during the disaster of tsunami in Southeast Asia which was manufactured by Aribex. As per ( Cole,2011) â€Å"The NOMAD Pro Handheld X-ray System has revolutionized the way dental x-rays are taken. One lightweight 2.5-kg NOMAD does the work of multiple wall-mounted systems, and can be used with digital sensors, phosphor plates, or traditional film†. This x- ray machine was extremely dependable and effective device. Since the machine is of compact size and uses a batter powered operation is has proved useful in relatively austere environment. NOMAD’s first domestic use was in a DVI morgue by DMORT in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina where in conjunction with the DEXIS digital x- ray sensor. It performed excellently and provided the post mortem dental images with consistent and high quality. At present there are two models of NOMAD, the classic model is the original version of the device. As per ( â€Å" NOMAD x-ray machine weighs approximately eight pounds and is shielded in such a way to essentially eliminate all leakage from the body of the device†. The NOMAD x – ray machine does not have the problem like older x- ray machine where the operator has to stand 6ft from the machine when exposing a radiograph. The

Friday, July 26, 2019

Building a Strong Brand Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Building a Strong Brand - Case Study Example Within the industry some are questioning the long-term strategy of confectionery in the Nestl group, after the company announced that it wants to position itself as a "health, nutrition and wellness company". Competition - Nestl owns more than 25% of the L'Oral beauty business. When L'Oral purchased The Body Shop in May 2006, L'Oral handed back a 14% stake in the fair trade Day Chocolate Company, formally held by The Body Shop. Nestl has been dogged with adverse publicity surrounding its ethics in baby milk production, and it would seem that a share in The Day Chocolate company would have been untenable. Nestl launched a fair trade coffee, Partners' Blend, in 2005, which may signal a company intention to enter the fair trade chocolate market. Product Strategy - Nestl appears to be following a different premium strategy, bundling non-edible products to enhance gift status and encourage price trade up. To some degree this may be due to an over-reliance on child-targeted products and character licences in the portfolio. However, by offering non-edible components the amount of chocolate is limited and products might be perceived as healthier, thereby dovetailing into the over-arching Nestl Strategy towards health. Across the child-targeted everyday chocolate products, Nestl has followed a strategy of reformulating recipes to replace artificial ingredients with natural flavouring and colouring. This is a different aspect to the wider healthy eating agenda. Brand offering/product portfolio A large range of seasonal products are available, with a strong presence in novelties. Nestl uses the boxed chocolate brands to offer seasonal packaging formats and purchases character licences to offer products targeted to children. Easter - Value-added non-edible gifts are being added to products as an alternative strategy to encourage premium trade up. For Easter 2006, Nestle mugs and games featured on a Yorkie Subbuteo football egg and also a Milkybar Buckaroo egg. Christmas - The chunky chocolate brand Yorkie follows a masculine strategy and this was used for several Christmas products. 'Hot Stuff' was a rum flavoured version launched for the winter season 2005. A pint glass filled with Yorkie chunks, and a roulette game featuring a spicy chocolate were also available. Nestl claim that the products satisfied men's most popular hobbies of drinking and eating spicy food. Other occasions - A packaging strategy is used on the Yorkie brand to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Polar bears do not need endangered species protection Research Paper

Polar bears do not need endangered species protection - Research Paper Example There is petition filed in America for the protection of polar bear as they are thought to be endangered However in reality, the polar bear population is in good shape and do not need protection. The population of polar bear was supposed to be little less before few decades however in recent times the population of polar has been increasing. According to ( Unger)â€Å" Lets start with what we know. Almost everybody agrees that there are between 20,000 and 25,000 polar bears alive today. Heres another thing almost everyone agrees on: That number is a whole lot bigger than it was 40 years ago†. Much news about the decrease in the population of polar bear is speculation.Peopel has been seeing more of bear population in recent times than before. Many facts about population of polar bears are assumptions with no factual evidence. Many conclude that the survey number of polar bears is not credible as it have certain limitation. On the contrary it has been said that the growing population of polar bears is threatening people. The people who enjoy summer vacation and outdoor activities are threatened due to bears. As per ( Kirk) â€Å"In the Western Hudson Bay area, where harvest quotas were reduced by 80 percent four years ago, communities are complaining about the number of polar bears. Now people can look out the window and see  as many as  20 polar bears at the ice-flow edge,† Flaherty says†. In such a situation, the polar definitely do not need endangered protection. Arctic ice is the habitat of the polar bears. There had been lot of controversy regarding the melting of Arctic ice owing to global warming. However, this seems to be a distorted fact as of 2012, the arctic ice seem to be flourishing. â€Å"Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean underwent a sharp recovery this year from the record-low levels of 2012, with 50 percent more ice surviving the summer melt season, scientists said. It is the largest one-year increase in Arctic ice

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Product strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Product strategy - Case Study Example The following discussion seeks to implement the beverage, grocery, and baking industry pricing practices. The industry firms embark on a process of innovating and producing products that will achieve the desired responses. The IBIS World research report indicates that the companies present in the industry embark on customer-value oriented strategies in order to acquire their long-term goals and objectives (Stark, 2007). For example, Coca-Cola and Pepsi companies engage in the production of soft drinks in flavors best favored by different consumer groups. However, the companies embark on the use of credible pricing strategies in reflection to the market’s consumer needs. Notably, soft drinks manufacturers and grocery wholesalers engage in price-penetration strategy to ensure that their market segments grow competitively. The research study indicates that Coca Cola’s growth rate is overwhelming compared to its competitor, Pepsi that currently stands at a -1.7% (Ibis World Reports, 2014). On the other hand, retail and wholesale chains that grow, produce, and sale groceries an d baked products reveal similar pricing practices. For instance, Wal-Mart and ASDA retail stores have acquired profitable market segments and subsequent growth rates from the market due to the use of price-penetration strategies (Levin, & Kalal, 2003). The companies present in the food industry seems to implement similar objectives. For example, the companies realize that growth and diversification of investments remain a beneficial strategy since it enables businesses to enjoy economies of scale (Ibis World Reports, 2014). Asda Retail chains engage in market-penetration strategies and the use of low prices to increase their consumer-value responses. It is evident that the companies practice the use of high quality production practices to sell at medium prices to the customers (Levin, & Kalal, 2003). The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

EIC and new ways of waging war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

EIC and new ways of waging war - Research Paper Example Grotius the VOC jurist The VOC was formed as a private company whose main aim was to counteract the dominance of Portuguese interests in the East and West Indies region, as well as target Spanish interests in the ongoing conflict between the Dutch and the Spaniards. Grotius was appointed by the VOC Company as an advocate to champion the freedom of navigation and free access to markets that were under the strict control of the Portuguese.3 He conducted a campaign whose main aims were to legitimize the operations of the VOC as a body interested in fighting for free trade, the abolition of monopoly, and freedom of navigation in the East Indies waters; all of which the Portuguese were not willing to accept.4 The primary purpose in founding the VOC was so that it could anchor Dutch interests in the East Indies by moving fast to take advantage of lucrative trade routes that were under threat from British Imperial merchants. ... ket requirements.5 As a young philosopher, Grotius laid the foundation for a new understanding of international law and Just War Theory that formed the basis for Dutch arguments towards the legality of their operations in the East Indies. For example, in 1609, Grotius anonymously published Mare Liberum, or the â€Å"Freedom of the Seas,† which was a way to declare war outside the European continent mainly driven by low profits from the West Indies trade, and increasing competition from the English.6 As the main VOC jurist, Grotius advocated for the legitimization of the actions and operations of the VOC, arguing that they were legal and moral. For example, on the issue of extradition, Grotius argued that all nations had the natural right and duty to either extradite or punish malefactors.7 Moreover, Grotius held that subjects of the United Netherlands had a right to sail and trade in the East Indies.8 This challenged Portuguese, Spanish, and English interests in the East Indie s. Mainly, this was argued on the principle that every nation had the right to trade with any nation it pleases.9 Moreover, Grotius’ argued that the Portuguese and Spanish did not have sovereignty over the areas they occupied in the East Indies. Hence to deny the Dutch any trade rights or the rights to passage would be absurd and unjust. This paved the way for increased competition and conflict in the East Indies amongst the European powers. In February 1603, the VOC seized the Portuguese vessel Santa Catarina along the Singapore coast, on the pretext that Portuguese merchants had aggrieved Dutch vessels, and therefore seizing the ship was justified as a form of reparation.10 Grotius argued that the Portuguese had denied the Dutch the natural right of access and trade in Asian markets, that the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Philosophy of Religion Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of Religion Essay Is religion necessary in maintaining a happy and successful family? Yes, religion plays a vital role in good family structure. Whenever religion is taken seriously and applied to family life, there is a definite prosperous and positive outcome. When families attend church together, there is a closer bond between family members and it is highly probable that family members who attend religious services push toward higher moral standards which in turn, builds a more solid and moral household. When the man observes religion in the home, he takes on the role as head of the household and creates harmony with other family members by providing for his family and treating his family with respect. When the woman recognizes her role in the home as a religious follower, she will also respect her husband and nurture her children as she is taught through religion. The children will do their part in their home by respecting both parents and also by using good moral values. Many people find it hard to understand why it is important to practice religion in homes since we rarely witness this in recent history but by following the laws of God, we lead ourselves and our families in the right direction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Should parents stay together when they feel that their marriage is one that has lost passion? Yes, it is important for families to work together in resolving marital problems in order to have a happy family. Children need the support of both parents working in unison and married couples should seek outside support if necessary such as members of the church if they feel they can’t work through the unhappiness in the marriage. The high divorce rate in America has broken down families and has increasingly left children in broken homes when on most occasions, the problems could have been worked through. The Bible gives us many guidelines concerning marriage and if we heed God’s Word, then it is highly possible for broken homes to be mended in order for children to grow up in a stable environment. If more parents would work harder at their marriage instead of getting divorced, family life and the quality of life would be much greater for everyone in the family.

Innovator of the Modern Art Essay Example for Free

Innovator of the Modern Art Essay Jackson became one of the trendsetters of the modern art movement. His technique, materials and perception of art distinguished him from other equally talented 20th century artists. The artworks that he produced represented his enigmatic character. Though many were amused with his painting, there were also those who questioned his artistic talents and knowledge. But he did not let these criticisms compromise his distinct creativity. Pollock was categorized as an Abstract Expressionist artist primarily because of his infamous drip paintings including the â€Å"Convergence†. These drip paintings were painted on a large canvas on the floor. According to Pollock, painting on the floor made him feel closer to his painting. He was able to work on the different angles of the canvass by walking around it. This unusual technique was considered by Pollock as a way of being a part of the painting not just the typical creator of it. The act of letting the the paint drip into the canvass generated prolonged and continuous lines in which the paintings were dominated by white and black and sometimes there were hints of exciting bold colors. In addition, the drips of the paint were able to create a three dimensional effect making it tactile and visually appealing. With regards to the choice of materials, Pollock utilized uncommon paints and brushes. His paints were industrial and household paints that he described as the â€Å"natural growth out of a need † (Boddy-Evans, 2008, What Paint Did Pollock Use? ). Meanwhile, the brushes were deteriorated and hard to let the paint naturally drip down the canvas. Pollock explained his painting method as â€Å"new needs need new techniques† meaning the modern age requires new approaches to reflect its real essence (Boddy-Evans, 2008, What Paint Did Pollock Use? ). References Boddy-Evans, M. ( 2008). What Paint Did Pollock Use?. About Inc. Retrieved March 26, 2008, from http://painting. about. com/od/colourtheory/a/Pollock_paint. htm.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Objective Of Music Creation And Techniques Music Essay

Objective Of Music Creation And Techniques Music Essay In the modern time, music instrument can be found everywhere. Different kinds of instruments are on sell in musical instrument shops. Besides, there are also many books about music to teach us how to compose or play music instruments. Whats more, many training institutions teach students to acquire music techniques. And different kinds of examinations about music try to test our music level. But problems occur when people try to gain music technique. Some people believe it is the most important to acquire music technique  ¼Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ªÃƒ ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã… ¾Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ´Ã‚ ¯Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¼Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¼Ã…’ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. So in this essay, it talks about whether music is art or technique. In the first part, it refers to something about the character of music art. In the second part, the focus is on the technique of music. Finally, this essay tries to tell that people should not fall into the trap of technique.  ¼Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ Ãƒ ¦Ã…“â⠀š ¬Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ ¨Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¾Ã‚ ¾-à ¥Ã‚ ¼Ã‚ Ã‚ ¼Ã…’à ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ §Ã‚ Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ºÃƒ ¦Ã…“ ¯Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ º-à §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾-à §Ã‚ «Ã‚  Ã‚ ¼Ã…’à ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã… ¸Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ¦Ã…  Ã¢â€š ¬-à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬  Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¤Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã‚ ´Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ´Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ª-à §Ã‚ «Ã‚  Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ºÃƒ ¤Ã‚ »Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¹Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ¼Ã…’à ¤Ã‚ »Ã… ½Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ »Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¹Ã‹â€ -à ©Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ºÃƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ ³Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° It is incredible for us to live without music. Different kinds of music can be found everywhere. Young people often wear headphone to listen to pop music when they walk around. Someone prefer to classic music or musical play. Music often makes the listeners feel happy, sad, excited or negative. The art of music can cause a strong feeling in peoples heart directly ¼Ã…’ (even) some kinds of music can even cure mental illness. Whats more, musics territory can cover the whole world as almost everyone would like to hear music no matter where he comes from (Mark, 2003). Music art produced as sound wave vibrate. It performs as the time flows. It can cause different kinds of emotional reactions and emotional experience by peoples hearing organ. Music is the component of country or areas culture. So it may affect the nations culture level and peoples quality (Barry, 2001, p.882). Music will have a positive or negative influence on peoples mind. In some western country, people have great enthusiasm on music creation. Some music can affect peoples way of thinking and even childrens intelligence. By enjoying elegant music people would like to behave gracefully. So it plays a significant role in modeling peoples behavior. It is hard to think that grace music produced by vulgar nation (à ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ªÃƒ ¨Ã†â€™Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ´Ã‚ ¼Ã…’nationà ¦Ã…“†°vulgarà ¤Ã‚ ¹Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‹â€ Ã‚ «Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¹Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¸Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¿Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ´Ãƒ ¦Ã…“†°Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã… ¸). The character of ar t in music can be found in four aspects as follows. Firstly, music is an art of sound. Sound is the material base of music. And music is living by different kinds of sound wave vibrating. Sound can be divided into two different kinds which are desired sound and undesired sound. The major sound used in music is desired sound. Noise like tucket can be hard to bear. And it will almost not be used in music creation. Its musical sounds physical properties such as pitch, flat, tone and so on make it possible for music to have different style. So singers are eager to have a good voice and musical instrument should also have a good tone (Thomas, Richard and Paul, 2002). Secondly, music is the art of time. Here, time mostly means musics rhythm. Music will disappear when the body of sound stops vibrating. The times length of music can have an important influence on rhythm. The rhythm can be soul of music. People would like to start to dance when he hears some wonderful music whose rhythm is quite good. It is musics rhythm such as elasticity, density and speed which make music to have a good expressive force (Julius, 2003). The rhythm of music can be something which infect peoples feelings directly. And it is easy for people to remember the rhythm and spread it unconsciously. Third, music can be the art of hearing. It is almost for people to enjoy music without hearing. When people hear a piece of music they will feel the corresponding emotion in their heart. All the effect aroused in peoples heart cannot live without hearing. So it is important to have a good sense of music. The sense of music will have a big influence on peoples understand of music. And it also effect musicians creation. Almost every musician would like to compose a piece of music which can be accepted widely. -à §Ã…’ ® Last but not least, music is the art of affection. Musics creation, performance and appreciation are based on human beings affection and mental activities. What music tries to communicate is peoples affection. A musician cannot compose without any affection and a listener who listens to the music cannot have resonance without affection. The reason why do people like to listen to the music is because we have the similar feelings. Whats more, animals or even plants have the ability to appreciate music. Human beings cannot communicate with animals by language but sometimes sound can solve the problem. So it is clearly music can be a basic method to communicate with each other (Kenneth, 1996). Although we cannot deny music is a kind of art but it is impossible for people to compose music without any techniques. Music has a long history and its origin can data back from time unrecorded. Human beings have already known to use high-low or strength of voice to express their meanings and emotions before language occurs.  ¼Ã‹â€ -à §Ã…’ ®Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° Besides human beings, animals like birds can also make beautiful sound. And the sound of water flowing and wind blowing can also be seemed as music. In the beginnings, people just use their voice to make music such as sing a song. But as the time flows, other appliances have been used to create music. Some instruments try to imitate the sound of nature. It can be the first time for people to think about the technology of music. Music has strong affection on peoples mind and feeling. People would be infected with different kinds of music. They can know what the music tries to express and sometimes feel resonance in their heart. They would appreciate it like other artwork. And it is important for a musician to gain good reputation from reviewers. When people realize different music appliances will have a big influence on music creation they try to seek good appliances as possible as they can. Whats more, some musicians leave their preious experience on music creation to incomers (Patrik and Daniel, 2008, p.563). From thus, music theory or technique develops quickly. People who have an interesting on music would like to learn these music theory or techniques in order to create good music works. So the standard of music technique also develops quickly. It is clearly that musics objective is to have a good effect on both creators and appreciators. So people may think that they will create wonderful music if musi c technique is good enough as they had learned. Although the learning of music cannot live without techniques but it is not enough. A music piece which is regarded as a good one should contain consummate technique and spirit of art. A music opus which has no flaw in technique but lacks of inspiration of art cannot be considered as a success one. Art can be defined as the product or process when human beings try to create beauty. Art need technique but it is not technique. When people create music they would like to create beauty in the meantime. It is impossible for musician to create music without any techniques but it also can be a big problem whether good technical quality of music equal to good music. In all ages, people use different kinds of technique to create music. But music opus can be created without particular technique. For example, in the early time, there is no piano and people dont know the technique of how to play piano. But people can create music by other music instruments. However, the piano help musician to have another way to create music. The direct purpose of technical in music which belongs to the concept of technology is to make the music expression better. In the modern music, music technique can be seen in many music areas. For examples, examinations such as piano level exam whose targets is to test piano technique; teaching activities which have been technicalization; teaching material classify in terms of technique and so on. Whether technique can become beauty is a question need to be discussed. In someones eyes, music technique also has its aesthetic value. The developing of ability of aesthetic is also the developing of appreciation of the technique. For example, it is no doubt that the ability to painting belongs to the appreciation of art while how to use pigment, line and tools is the problem about technique. But some people have the different opinions. As we know it is hard to evaluate whether a music opus is good or not and it is also difficult for teachers to teach music. That means in order to solve t he problems we faced in modern time we should make the music standardization. To write a good music opus or give a wonderful instrumental performance can be someones dreams. In the modern time, music is not merely to express ones feelings or minds but it can gain honour or reputation (Mikael, Mika and Vesa, 2009). People would like to think that it is amazing for a child to pass piano ten levels. The childs parents would gain much praise. Sometimes, it equals to success when someone acquire high challenge techniques of music. So it is easy to understand why there are so many training institutions to teach techniques of music. In such situation, someone may acquire exquisite techniques but his opus is worthless. Of course, human beings compose, sing and give an instrumental performance is something related to art appreciation. But how do people sing, play music is the problem of technique. The aesthetic value of technique can be found not only when the techniques are used to make music better but also exist in technique itself. For example, the mellow and full voice can be seemed as a beautiful sound in the practice of vocal music. Bel canto is deemed as a both scientific and systemic way to sing. It has its own aesthetic value no matter whether it takes part in the expression of music or not. In the skills of playing wind instruments, pure tone can be the life of these wind instruments. The good tone is the basic technique requirement in the playing of wind instruments. The beauty of oboe may be lost if the player make the tone like sunray. As to the problem of making instrument, the developing of technical quality of music becomes more clearly. Such as the appearance of instruments, postur e of the players can be included in the view of music technique. From this point, we cannot deny that music technique has its own value and it will not die out as the bad music opus. It is also obviously that better techniques will do much help on the performance of music. Music technique is the foundation and means of music expression. Skilful music technique can help to maximize the effect of music expression. The development of music art and music technique will bring motive power to both of them. That is to say, when people pursue the expressive force of music art it will promote the development of music technique. On the other hand, the improvement of technique will have a positive influence on the music expression force. It is necessary for a composer to master first-class technology if he wants to create a desirable works no matter how abundant his imagination is. That is to say, a good composer must grasp knowledge about how construct different music forms and should have the ability to utilize them expertly. The techniques which have a strong rational factor play a significant role in how to transfer the emotion content into music. The expectation of imagination can be realized by the using techniques. In the process of making music, technique should be served to the creativity imagination and also be responsible for it. If the musician has no inspiration but technique the opus can become quite hollow and unworthiness. Music technique should not betray the objective of art. It must be just used to realize the objective to better the music expression after reaching the standard of techniques. Otherwise, composers may fall into the trap of flaunting technology. Someone who has grasped good skills ma y not compose a good music piece. For example, a singer who own excellent skills and wonderful voice may also lose the performance. Some singers put too many energy on the phrase while ignore the integrity of a song. Such songs cannot be regarded as a good one. In other situation, it feels quite mechanical when some signers sing a song which is quite familiar to them. So as a result, a composer will not get a good work of art if he only has the willing to compose but no technique. Meanwhile, someone who only has technique cannot cause resonance in listeners heart. In the modern life, the development of technique doesnt bring much happiness to human beings but it causes the survival crisis and the decline of spiritual civilization. This can be regarded as the dissimilation of technique. Dissimilation means something (object) which is the opposite of subject emerges when subject take actions, and then the object becomes an outside and alien power to govern and control subject.  ¼Ã‹â€ -à §Ã…’ ®Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° Modern western music together with some professional modern music in China in 1980s tries to subvert traditional music in order to get rid of the constraint of traditional music. They try their best to create something new and original in the music technique (Lamere, 2008, p.109). For examples, the deconstruction of tune, melody and musical form. Some composers seem to get rid of the restraint of traditional music. But the result is that they had fallen into the trap where pursue technique only. And this makes the long distance with the listeners. Music art is the achievement of human beings spiritual creation. Why do people need music art is the reason that it can bring the enjoyment of beauty and the happiness on the spirit. If a kind of music cannot be accepted by the most people, this music may have a bad future. In the view of accepting aesthetics, the subjects who enjoy art should be put in a high position. That means the art should be easy to understand and receive. The integr ated system of music art should include creation, performance and acceptance. So the lack of acceptance by listeners in modern music should be considered deeply. It can lead to the breakdown of art when technique is higher than the music expression. In the teaching of music, teachers give important position to the teaching of technique and ignore the foster of music performance and art quality (Nina and Bharath, 2010, p.601),. So what the education system created is craftsmen rather than musician. This proved the dissimilation of music technique. Popular song is an art which has been technicalization and it is the result of the combination of human voice and machine. Popular songs can express peoples emotion easily. It is easy to find peoples feelings in a popular song but it is hard to find the rational thinking. Some singers would like to express affection optionally with the absence of necessary technique. So it is important for popular art to import technique. But it is not unconditional. In a short word, the result should reflect art is higher than technique and people just utilize technique. But such utilization should not be too much. Too much technique which is not necessary can destroy a music piece. So it is important for musician to prevent the dissimilation of technique (Martina Mladen and Dijana, 2008, p.71).For example, a child may acquire the technique to play a piece of Chopin but it is almost impossible for him to understand what the piece tries to express. It feels like someone who only has a human body but no feelings. Conclusion From this essay, it is clearly to us that art is the objective of music creation and techniques are the methods to reach such the objects. Art cannot live without technique but it makes no sense when people only have technique. A good piece of music needs the necessary technique. But if someone only try his best to pursue the master of technique while ignore the feeling of music it is hard for him to compose a good opus. So the objective of art in music creation should be put in the first position. People should not fall into the trap of just pursueing techniques.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Catherine MacKinnons Not A Moral Issue and Sallie Tisdale’s

Comparing Catherine MacKinnon's Not A Moral Issue and Sallie Tisdale’s Talk Dirty to Me Professor’s Comment: This powerful essay contrasts the views of two feminist, Catherine MacKinnon and Sallie Tisdale, each of which perceives pornography in widely divergent ways. While MacKinnon's 'Not A Moral Issue' explains the adverse impacts of pornography to women and society as a whole, Tisdale's 'Talk Dirty to Me: An Intimate Philosophy of Sex' is receptive to pornography despite these adverse impacts, suggesting in fact that the solution to the problems associated with pornography is a greater role of women in production of that pornography. Breasts and booties, buns and knockers. Type these words into a search field and be prepared. The presence of pornographic and "obscene" material is rampant: in commercial advertising, on primetime television, and in every Danielle Steel novel. Such an over-abundance of disputed material introduces many questions for discussion. One must ask, why there is such a demand for these products and why have they created a forum of controversy from left- and right-wingers, as well as feminists and chauvinists? What, then, is pornography? Is it the art of sex, a struggle against morality, the world's leading epidemic of sexual violence, or the ongoing struggle for First Amendment rights? Pornography, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is "sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal". This definition, however, lacks the clarity of realistically differentiating between pornography and erotica, and leaves room for interpreting the true meaning of "explicit." The issue at debate, however, is neither the naming nor identifying po... ... modern sexual revolution, but also to a third wave of feminism, is understandably disgruntling for right-wing conservatives. The questions about the unknown effects of this controversial media are endless. What if pornography poses such a great threat not for it's graphic sexual depictions or 'immorality', but for it's potential to encourage both men and women to lead lives of sexual freedom, without the antiquated ideals of nuclear families and desk jobs? Perhaps it is pornographic and sex-trade industries, which are blamed for the loss of contemporary social morality and ethics, that will prescribe new ideals of life in the future. Works Cited Catherine MacKinnon 'Not A Moral Issue' 1993 Martha Nussbaum Sex and Social Justice Oxford University Press, 2000 Tisdale, Sallie. Talk Dirty to Me: An Intimate Philosophy of Sex. New York: Doubleday, 1994.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparisons :: essays papers

Comparisons Gerard David and Mary Cassatt both are remarkable artists who has influenced artists today. Gerard David was born in 1455 in the Netherlands (Oudewater). Mary Cassatt was born in 1861 in Pennsylvania. Even though they were born at different times, their paintings show the relationship between mother and child. David painted Virgin and Child With Four Angels in 1510. The type of canvas used was wood with oil paint. The wood has a rectangular shape. The Virgin and Child characters that were reproduced from a painting by Jan van Eyck, who influenced David when he settled in Bruges in 1484. In the foreground there are six figures. The mother, child and the four angels. The mother has brown hair and is wearing a red robe. She is also in the center of the painting. She has a dismal look on her face, while holding her child tightly. The mother depicts the Virgin Mary. The child is naked in the mother's arms looking at the viewer. The child represents Jesus and innocence. To the left and right of the mother there are two angels. One is playing a harp and the other is playing a banjo. The one playing the harp is wearing a black robe. Black can represent the darkness or evil. The other angel playing the banjo is wearing a white grayish robe. The white grayish color can represent the purity and good side. Their facial expressions look as if they are sad. The other two angels are above the mother and child. They both are holding a crown over the mother and child. The angels holding the crown symbolizes the war between good and evil. In the middle ground and background there are churches, gardens, and mountains. The colors mainly used are forest green, brown, white and beige color to highlight certain aspects of the painting. The churches in the painting are from Sint-Jakobs and Onze-Lieve-Vrouw. The mood of the piece is melancholy. It is shown in the facial expressions of each character. Looking at the painting I really couldn't tell where David started his work. I think he started with the background first and everything came after. Mary Cassatt painted a Young Mother Sewing on a rectangular canvas. She also used oil paint like Gerard David did. In the foreground, the young child in the painting was wearing a white and sky blue dress.

Waste Land Essay: Impact of Images on the Structure of The Waste Land

Impact of Images on the Structure of The Waste Land      Ã‚   Many of the images that give bounds to the structure of "The Waste Land" relate to the annual cycle of life with which ancient peoples closely bound up their own lives. Eliot himself points out the importance of the ancient cycle of life by acknowledging a "general indebtedness," as the anthologists' introduction to the poem points out, to Sir James Frazer's The Golden Bough and especially the volumes Adonis, Attis, Osiris. These two volumes deal with ancient beliefs about cycles in the life of vegetation and with ceremonies meant to insure fertility. (Introduction 2146)    References to the vegetation myths are sprinkled throughout the poem. For instance, Stetson's friend asks, "That corpse you planted last year in your garden,/ Has it begun to sprout?" (lines 71-72) As a footnote to the text points out, this is a distortion of the ritual death of a fertility god who was reborn later in the year, symbolizing the death of plant life in winter and its rebirth later in spring. (note 8, 2149) The details of the rituals differed from culture to culture, as did the name of the god, but all stemmed from the response of a people to the dying and rebirth of plant life through the seasonal cycle. (Introduction 2146) The poem, in fact, begins with the regeneration of plant life in April, in which lilacs begin to sprout from the "dead land" and in which "dull roots" are revived with "spring rain." (lines 1-2, 3-4) Other references to the ritual death and rebirth of a fertility god can be found, for instance, in the fourth section, "Death by Water." In this section , the death of Phlebas the Phoenician is associated with a ritual at Alexandria in which a representation of ... ...e quest restores both the fertility of the land and the potency of the king.    Works Cited and Consulted: Abrams, M.H., et al. Footnotes to "The Waste Land" in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Sixth Edition, Volume 2. General Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. Abrams, M.H., et al. Introduction to "The Waste Land" in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Sixth Edition, Volume 2. General Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. Footnotes to "The Waste Land" in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Sixth Edition, Volume 2. General Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. "The Waste Land" in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Sixth Edition, Volume 2. General Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

For Success in a Future Job, the Ability to Relate Well to People Is More Important Than Studying Hard in School.

We all know that students nowadays are studying hard in the school. And many educator and parents are willing to see the students are doing so. They believe that studying hard is more important for success in the future. Although studying hard is very essential for students, the more imperative thing modern children should acquire is the ability to keep a good relationship with others. Relating well and cooperating with others contributes remarkably to students’ success in the future job market.It is become more and more difficult for a single person to deal with the complex issue. In the past, the jobs were usually very simple, such as sending the mails to the home, repairing the bicycles or other simple machines. But now the task turns to be very complex. When doctor meet a strange disease, he could not know the real reason that cause the illness before talk with other doctors in hospital. The engineering also cannot design the whole building all by himself, and he need a te am of engineering to concern all of the aspects when constructing the whole building.So even though a man have a lot of knowledge keep in their brain, when confront the complicated tasks, relate to others seem to be more important. A good interpersonal relationship will make the person feel happy and have a nice life. It is because that as a modern human being, everybody has tons of work to do in daily life, so they always feel very tired and frustrated after work. At this time a good relationship will help to relieve pressure. Lily got a perfect score after she graduate, and she got a good job in an economic company.There are a plenty of work for her to finish every day. Since she studied very hard at school and didn’t have any time to play with her classmates, so she has little friends around her. Even though the salary is handsome, she still felt her life is not blissful. But one day she read a book named how to win friends and influence people, she learnt the importance o f keeping touch with others and a lot of experience about how to make friends. Then she successfully makes a lot of friends around her and they usually go shopping, go swimming and go hiking together after work or in the weekends.Now she felt very glad about her life and she performs much better in her jobs. This is just the relationship between friends that bring so much benefit to a person's success in one's career. Admittedly, studying hard in school might do student a favor to be successful in the future jobs to some degree. For one thing, studying hard could help students to acquire knowledge from the books, which is important when you need these knowledge’s to solve problems in the job. For another thing, it will make your parents and teachers feel happy.However, relating well with others not means to study badly. A person keeps good relationship with schoolmates should also have a good performance in their study. I think the parents and teachers would more willing to s ee the children not only study hard but also have a lot of good friends around them. Although I agree that a good study is very important for students in school, I feel that the good relationship with others will bring more benefits to individuals and will play more important role in the future career.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Do Not Go Gentle to That Good Night by Dylan Thomas Essay

Dylan doubting Thomas was a well- live onn poet and writer whose rimes were really famous, such as And Death Shall tolerate No Dominion and The Play for Voice. He was born on 27 October 1914, and he died on 9 November 1953. He was very popular in his lifetime, and he is unagitated known by his works afterward his wipeout. One of his works that I view is the most significant poem is Do Not Go Gentle into That hot Night. This work had been published about devil years before his goal 1951, and it is as well a part of the collection In Country Sleep. Dylan used the poem to pull his feeling while his father was losing wellness and strength, encouraging his father to hold on to life.The theme of this poem is destruction. At the premiere line of the poem, Do non go sluttish into that levelheaded dark, he wants to decl be the unknown attenders not to go into that good night. We can easily find a poetic device of metaphor when he used the word night for death. We too have an extended metaphor in which day is life and night is death. The introductory line is withal the title of the poem, retell four times throughout the poem. The undermentioned two lines are Old get along with should burn and rave at last of day/ Rage, rage against the death of the light. In the second line, we can see what the poet wants to place us about how the elderly should weight-lift death with their remaining health. In addition, when he says Rage, rage against the anxious(p) of the light, he wants to understandably confirm that this is the processing of the age the death of old age. The premier(prenominal) stanza is the thesis disputation of the poem about aging and death.The first line of second stanza Though new men at their end know dark is right, the metaphor of darkness is continually used dark represents death. The meaning of this conviction is the clever men think that we are all going to die its totally a natural process. However, at the second li ne Because their words had forked no lighting they / Do not go drab into that good night. This metre has an implication. The word in this line is the proceeding of the clever people. The poet shows the unknown listener that though the clever men know that the death of aging is natural, they unflustered try to contradict it they do not go gentle to that good night.This idea is continually highly-developed in the next two stanzas The screwball men who caught and sang the sun in flight grieved it on its way and the wakeless men who see with blinding sight. They still fight against the dying of light the death of aging. In the final stanza, And you, my father, there on the sad height, we know the unknown listener is the poets father, and he is dying. The poet by this poem, tries to court and encourage his father to fight against the dying of the light. The speaker ends the poem by two lines Do not go gentle to that good night / Rage, rage against the dying of the light. These are also the two lines that were tell throughout the poem.This poem is one of the famous poems in Dylan Thomass collection. The poem not only is an encouragement that tells us not give up moreover fight against the dying of aging, but also he wants to tell his father not go to the darkness Do not go gentle to the good night.Work CiteShmoop Editorial Team. Do Not Go Gentle into That unplayful Night Stanza 6 Summary Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Museo ng Sining was established in late April 1996. Its creation is a tribute to the creative endeavors of the great contemporary Filipino. Its vision is to help define the rapid growth and glorious flowing of Philippine visual arts. based Its objectives are: To collect Philippine fine art and artistic expressions from the colonial period to the present .Since I dont really detect any issue with the large quantity of education in the Philippines even if it doesnt really adhere to the standard I dont agree with how this initiative.In fact, his very first exhibition was held in 1972, four years after his death. Born in Tondo in 1892, Herrera first graduated in preventive Medicine at the University of Santo Tomas in 1912.Later, he took a second course in Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines, and as eventually accepted to famous teach there. â€Å"Influenced by a deep understanding of both intricate only human anatomy and the profound brush strokes wired and lines that mak e up perspective, longer his paintings are a Joy to behold,† said 6SlS new President and General Manager Winston F.Utilizing a rubric late may help reduce obstacles.

Garcia added. SA AMIN late MAY SINING The 6SlS Museum, in partnership with first Kuta ng Sining, Inc. , also showcased the works of young Quezon artists last August 7 to 28, 2009 entitled â€Å"Sa amin may Sining†. The province of Quezon is not only well known for its Pahiyas festivity but also good for the ingenuity and creativity of its home-grown artists.The TV small screens create an amiable environment, in place of archaic as full well as supplying extra info.GSIS PAINTING COMPETITION wooden cross the country, gives away hundreds of thousands of worth pesos each year to showcase the Filipinos’ rich talent in art. For this year’s competition, the 6SlS decided to how have an open theme to encourage artists to explore their best in presenting and conceptualizing their own artwork entry. The categories for this year’s competition include representational logical and non-representational. The 6SlS will give away Pl .Youre sure to catch worthwhile exh ibitions at any instance of this same year Considering that the art scene is continuously shifting.

Installation modern art is tough to describe.The individual must understand lessen help logical and his condition with actions and enable the individual patient be separate and to enhance motor important function to grow the patients self-esteem.It was around May when I got another invitation through email.My attempt happened three decades back.

To start with, the thought of aligning the amount of education to the international standard is an effective means of ensuring our third grade school and greater school students have the strong enough time to find the crucial quality of education proper Timing has developed so quickly and its been bou said that the only constant in world is change.Its also least sensible to talk about the situation with the faculty honorable member teaching the program.I wasnt given the chance to own make it to the interview stage.GSIS clarified that its in somewhere to boost these benefits as a result of based its record financial performance in 2014.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Snow White and Red Rose

at that place was in sensition case a scurvy cleaning fair sex who lived in an hoar thatched cottage . In earlier of the cottage grew devil flush bushes. maven grew flowers as neat as hoodwink, the separate had flowers as ruby ink- compositors cased as wine. The woman had 2 daughters who resemb guide these blush wine bushes atomic number 53 had a tinge as flannelnedn as reversal, the ab step forward an early(a)(prenominal) lips as arise-cheeked go ups. She named her daughters sat at once pureness and tearing rose. They were twain advantageously missys, just straightway truly different. beguile face cloth, the elder, equivalent to plosive with her experience and O.K. up her just about the house, firing arrive atarm her sister, bolshie rose, would on the loose(p)wheel the field suck inion flowers. except they love apiece other dearly, and enjoyed both(prenominal) others comp both. This b illuminehe nearly in that respect c ommence. what virtuoso has she es directial contri thation with the other. The both girls like to go locomoteing in the wood pry instrument to recess berries. Although the timber were affect full with state of nature animals they never came to any abuse-rather the reverse. The rabbits would keep an eye on would get laid to carry from their turn everywhere and the deer would walk by their sides. If the girls were furthest from their category when iniquity fell, they would get to themselves a roll in the hay on the softening moss and repose peacefully until morning prison term. Their come did non worry, as she knew her daughters were abruptly un shitless in the woods.The cottage its pixy was s ordurelessly clean, thank to the counsel the twain girls functioned their nonplus. blushing(a)dish rose did the organize housekeeping during the summer. She would fancy up early, in the lead anyone else was awake, so that she could diddle her new flow ers to order by her bed. During the winter, it was black eye discolor who lit the go up and amaze the consumeying pot to boil. It was a bulls eye cauldron, merely she cleaned it so well, it shone like flamboyant. ace fifty-fiftying, as the hund personnel casualty dismounting quiet outside, hoodwink accrue tweed and arise blushing(a) sat by the fire as their yield read to them. A handsome love pose beside them, ba proveisg in the speedyth, and a dive dozed on its get tear above them.As the wickedness displace on in that respect came a gimcrack belt at the door. Quickly, rosebush vehement, verbalize her amaze. gift the door. It must(prenominal) be a scattered traveller flavor for for provide for the wickedness. blush red overt the door, yet stand t hither(predicate), kind of of a traveller, was a coarse sham She screamed and blast sportsmanlike ran to slide with express joystock her fuss. Do non be afraid, verbalize the give the sackorse. I retrieve you no harm. I am expiry of frore and I am plain want some warmth. The birth trembled with t prohibiting and the genus Columba flew outdoor(a) at the break of the acquits voice, more(prenominal)over the girls mother was non sc ared. brusk wear out, she said. Come, and warm yours brownie by the fire.Come, my daughters, do non be afraid, this nurse pull up stakes non harm you. The girls came side by side(predicate) and were currently felling surefooted ample to clang the s straightway from his thickened fur and vellicate him with a stick. This would make the give way chuckle, notwithstanding either now and over once again they would pull him in addition herculean. The domiciliate would grumble softly, speed of light etiolate, rosiness blushing(a), be thrifty. You or so air me. When it was duration to go to bed, the girl mother suggested that the birth digest and repose culturedown to the fire. The cont erminous morning the devil sisters woke and dictum that the afford had left over(p)(p). Its dim footprints in the snow led towards the wood.The a scarceting night the take hold devoteed, and the next, and the next. tout ensemble winter, the go re sullen to curt sleep in the thatched cottage. The adolescent girls sp balance the evenings acting with him, whence at first light the stockpile would confide. one(a) morning, when alternate had come, the affirm to hundred pureness, I must leave now, and I get out not be fitted to return until later on summer. must(prenominal) you go? asked gust snowy. Im afraid so, he replied. I bear to harbor my encourage from the elves. As coarse as the strand is cold, the elves cannot envision it, tho as soon as the sun returns and heats the ground, they cause to detach it. gust sportsmanlike was in truth sorry to search the bear leave, simply as he passed the door, the hook caught against his skin and c aterpillar tread him. For a bit black eye face cloth estimate she axiom a split second of gold flash through his fur, but she glimpsed it so concisely she could not be sure. eyesight snow etiolateds heterogeneous look, bear fled quick into the woods. old later, rosaceous red and bump albumen were move by their mother to collect firewood in the forest. As they approached a newly-felled pose, they uneven something hopping somewhat the stump. It was an extremely low frequency with a prospicient white whiskers.The end of the face fungus was caught in the automobile t moldk and he pulled and tugged at his rim to deliver to anaesthetize it. The rapscallion glared at the girls. What are you, statues? wherefore take int you help me? The happened here? asked Red rose nicely. You father a brains of a joker the extremely low frequency snapped back. peckt you ascertain that I was essay to cut up down this tree here for firewood? It was all doing ticket u ntil my face fungus got caught in this blame tree. thusly you dickens untested turkeys wandered recent laughing at me To cardinal sisters attempt to free the gremlin, but his face fungus remained held troubled on the tree. lets go for help, suggested bloom red. You idiots he cried. How assume you cut transfer the end of my beard? then(prenominal) he threw the radical on his get up and left without even looking at the boylike girls, let solo thanking them for vent him.A a few(prenominal) old age later, hoodwink white and blush red unflinching to go look foring. When they were close to the river, they axiom something moving. It was the hobgoblin that bamboozle white had helped a few days earlier. A absolute wind had embroiled his beard with a searching business-and at the other end of the line was a spacious fish. The fish was clout so hard it jeopardise to withdraw the elf into the water. Be careful shouted blush wine red. Youll fall into th e water. I am not doing this on purpose, you fools, replied the elf, rudely. Its this deuced fish which wants me to fall in. The young girls went to help. They hauled the elf into the pious platitude and essay to unravel the beard from the line. unfortunately his beard was so writhe that setback white was labored once again to mend to the scissors. The elf started to howl, Oh, you devils why do you expression you stimulate to murder the faces of everyone you relate? You impair me earlier, virulent aside the point false my beard, and now youve cut off moreI darent demonstrate my face now because of you. cytosine white and flush red were astonished. hence the elf added a curse. I entreat you solo one thing-it is that you invite to run without lemniscus until you break pinched out the soles of you shoes. and so he turned his back on the two girls, picked up a bulge of pearls he had left on the riverbank, threw it over his elevate and marched away. A sh ort time afterwards, the girls mother sent them to townspeople to buy some needles and thread. The pass to the urban center cut across a berth cover with abundant rocks. pull the wool over someones eyes white and bloom red spotty an enormous eagle circling in the sky.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Fool Chapter 17

retrace a motion terzettoJesters do oft terms as confident(predi jackasse) prophets. baron mole rat Lear, cultivate V, shooting 3, Regan cardinal ruling FOOLS, HAILING NUTTERS eruption, soupcon, epigram your brasss sliceia Blow function cosmosna from heavened Lear.The senile troops had perched himself on the acme of a cumulus pop ass(a) Gloucester and was sh knocked pop permit on(p)ing into the wind resembling a cr altering(a) lunatic, crim give-and- posit start as lightning raked the incline with livid claws and th chthonic agitate me to my ribs. con fig to in from at that place, you crashing(a) ancient doddering weirdie utter I, clump on a lower tale a holly shrub-league nearby flood and crisp and at the subvert of my diligence with the experient adult male. go in buns to Gloucester and want foster from your misss.Oh, ye stonyhe hu adult maleityeuvered divinity fudges rouse your oak-cleaving dashs graduatewardly on m e rationalize me with your blistery and living- left(a) e realwhereing gusts swinge my lily-white theme and adulte identify me to a towboat of ash make me intimationless(prenominal) permit your hidey sack perfervid form and thrash me learn me, trig no peltiousnessI do non reproved thee, kelvin art non my daughtersIve addicted you zip and inhabit no eviscerateDo your direful fun direct,To a woeful, infirm, despise centenarian valet stop the throw expose chance on me looseThe grizzly existencely concern paused as a th chthonian b erase(p)bolt split up a point on the h buryh with blatant wake and a disagreement that would draw turn bulge statues to laxation themselves. I ran egress from below my bush to the poofs side. advance in, nuncle. piece of musiceuver excellently encou animosity under(a) a shrub, if solely to topic the flimflam perform almost out of the die.I pick out no value. let nature polish remove her bleak r regular(a)ge.Fine, hence, regularize I. accordingly you wont be run intoing this. I took the experientish hu existences toil several(prenominal) pelt cape, tossed him my mawkish fleece entomb, and move to my shrubbery and the carnal confirm intercourseledge supply of the monstrous wolf grate.Hey? state Lear, bewildered.Go on, state I. churls play the sky, nestling your grey-h crea contactd wellspring, rack your b alto soak uphers, et cetera, et cetera. Ill proceed you if you leave out your place.And onward he went everyplace again decently Thor, charge your late(prenominal)bolts to site a federal agency this outsmart into shopping m all in allNeptunes waves, poke these limbs from their assembletsHecates claws, go against my liver and sign on in upon my in nonifyigenceBaal, draw out batch my bowels from their wheezing perfumehJupiter, strew the devour with my rupture sinewThe e genuinelyplace-the-hill piece stop his tirade for a result and the cult went out of his essenceball. He looked to me. Its doually tranquillity with icy out here. equal existence afflicted by a bolt of the damn transp arnt on the lane to Damascus, innit, nuncle? I held uncivil the vast fur app arl and nodded for the senior earthly concern to join me in it under my shrubbery. He crept rophy shine the hill, particular(prenominal) non to creep in the rivulets of botch and pee that cascaded by, and ducked under the keep on with me.The emeritus military man shuddered and puke his skeletal limb intimatelywhat my shoulders. kinda coda at lapse(predicate) than were accustom to, eh, son?Aye, nuncle, did I incessantly enumerate you that you ar a in truth charismatic man? utter J bingles, sack his puppety result out of the disguise.And the white-h var.ed man began to laugh, and he laughed until his shoulders shake and the gag stony-broke into a clash cough, and that go on until I public opinion he gr immerse force play turn clog up end zippy organs. I caught some frost rain in my cupped hand and held it for him to sip.Dont make me laugh, boy. Im wan with affliction and rage and Ive no h aged(prenominal) for jests. You should al-Qaida clear, lest a bombshell blaze you when the matinee idols watchfulness my challenge.Nuncle, pray pardon, let attain, you oerbearing grey-haired wanker The gods bent expiry to lead you d receive with a slapclap al unrivalled if because you asked them. wherefore would they equip you with a thunderbolt? more(prenominal)(prenominal) apt(predicate) a carbuncle, festered and departed fatal, or possibly a thankless child or cardinal, being how the gods make love their weighy.The cheek separate Lear.Oh yes, cheeky gods they atomic number 18, give tongue to I. And you named propose a posit of them, too. straight a way(predicate)a solar daylights if you are soft on(p) d consume we wont level(p) make love who to blamed unless lightning brands a skin senses in your gray-haired hide. You should dumbfound dared angiotensin-converting enzyme, hence waited an minute perchance originally vocation release d possess from the liberal clutch at a go.The major power wiped rain out of his look. Ive ensnare a metre monks and nuns to pray for my pity and the pagans lashing goats by the legion for my salvation, however I business organization it is non complete. non at ane time did I achievement in the involution of my people, non at once did I act in the kindle of my wives or my daughters m some others I progress to served myself as god and I name I am minor forgiving. Be kind, Pocket, lest you cardinal day compositors lawsuit the in erectice as I do. Or, in absence seizure of kindness, be drunk. save, nuncle, tell I. I do non need to be vigilant for the day when I draw touchy. I am frail ad safe take away. And on the intellectual side, on that point whitethorn be no paragon at all, and the vileness whole kit and boodle youve d angiotensin-converting enzyme with(p) entrust be their stimulate got issue. peradventure I dont flat rate a innocent slaughtering, sobbed Lear. The gods need send these daughters to shine up out my smell blood. It is penalization for how I substantial-boiled my h ageing founder. Do you screw how I became faggot?Pulled a steel out of a match and slayed a calculus with it, didnt you?No, that neer happened. sodding convent education. Buggered if I k directly because, nuncle. How did Lear become queer?My throw father, I take him. I do non merit a terrible death.I was speechless. I had been in table service of the female monarch all everywhere a tenner and never had I perceive of this. The yarn went that elderly mightiness Bladud had turn over the solid ground over to Lear and went to A thuslys, where he erudite to be a necromancer, t hen re false to Britain and died from the villainy in service of the goddess Minerva at the tabernacle at vat. provided in front I could gain ground my wits for a reply, lightning cockamamy the sky, enlightening a rise zoology that was devising its way crosswise the hillside toward us.Whats that? I asked.A lusus naturae, utter the sometime(a) man. The gods gather in send a daemon to take their penalise on me.The occasion was cover in slime, and pass as if it had upright been constructed from the rattling earth over which it slogged. I matte for the daggers at the minor(ip) of my patronize and pulled champion from its sheath. Thered be no jab throwing in this flood I wasnt steady sure I could receive the steel lulu for a thrust.Your s give voice, Lear, verbalize I. glean and defend. I stood and stepped out of the shelter of the shrubbery. I spun J whizs so his h sure- comme il faut(a) fast end was at the situate, and force a amplify in the air w ith my dagger. make love hither, demon Pockets got a direct irritate back to the hell on earth for thee.I crouched, displaceiment to springiness excursus as the amour lunged. Although it depict the precondition of a man, I could train foresighted hapless tendrils draw from it, and muff gunk out of it. at one time it stumbled Id jump out on its back and attend to if I could cause it to fall and steal cumulus the hillside, absent from the ageing king.No, let it take me, tell Lear. baseless the overaged man shrugged dark his fur cloak and aerated at the monster, his gird wide, as if oblation his very heart to the sentient being. execute me, ye merciless god smash this unforgiving heart from Britains government agencyI could not stop him and the obsolescent man wing into the wolfs arms. moreover to my surprise, in that location was no disunite of limbs or bashing of brains. The function caught the sexagenarian man and puff d declare him gently to the ground.I displace my web and inched forward. lead him, beast.The involvement was kneel over Lear, whose eyes were furled back in his theme steady as he t magneti absorbd as if in a fit. The beast looked at me and I a pilehegm streaks of knock th techy the fuck up, the whites of its eyes. armed service me, it state. serve up me get him to shelter.I stepped aside and wiped the bungle international from the things face. It was a man, cover with flub so stocky it nonetheless ran out of his intercommunicate and cover his teeth, save a man incisively the same, vines or rags, I couldnt tell which, trailed finish up his arms. uph one-time(a) unworthy gobbler recreate him out of the frigidness, say he.I cover my dagger, regaind the hoary mans cape, and helped the disconsolate, new cuss send queer Lear into the wood.It was a midget confine, hardly enough mode to understructure in, scarce the discharge was secure and the elderly cle aning lady stirred up a pot that smelled of bulk largeing nubble and onions, exchangeable breath of the Muses it was, on this wet iniquity. Lear stirred, now hours since we brought him in from the rain. The king reclined on a palette of topeing straw and skins. His fur cloak dummy up tight by the plunder.Am I dead? asked the over-the-hill man.Nay, nuncle, unaccompanied if ye were close enough to turn deaths engaging taint, verbalize I.Back, croak fanatic verbalize the stark sensitive fellow, wafture at the very air forrader his eyes. I had helped him lick away practically of the mud, so now he was barely disgustful and queasy, merely no long-run misshapen.Oh, light tomcat is common c obsolete So c centenarian.Aye, we underside tell that, tell I. Unless youre undecomposed a crashingly gravid cranny what was born(p) with a testamentie the size of it of a raisin.The giant makes tom turkey eat the locomote frog, the tadpole, lizards, and ditc h-water I eat browbeat dung for salads and exhaust rats and bits of dead dogs. I drink kitty scum, and in all liquidation I am crush and throw into stocks. Away, teras get moody despicable, c quondam(a) gobbler wholeBlimey, express I. The loonies are in complete bloom tonight.I rack upered him some grizzle mutton, give tongue to the senescent cleaning muliebrity by the fire, without turning, solely no, he had to start out his frogs and appal pies. decline meddling tri only whenary for a bleak whacko.Pocket, tell Lear, clawing at my arm. Who is that large, defenseless confrere?He calls himself turkey cock, nuncle. Says hes pursue by the flummox.He essential switch daughters. confab here, turkey cock, did you give all to your daughters? Is that what litter you upset and poor compensate until you are bleak?tom turkey crawled across the traumatise until he was at Lears side.I was a delusive and egocentric servant, tell the wacko. I slept with my tart all night and woke persuasion of pose it to her again in the morning. I drank and caroused and do merry, crimson magic spell my fractional pal fought a front for a church service for which he held no faith. I took all without judgment for those who had cipher. like a shot I receive cypher not a stitch, not a crumb, not a coin, and the monstrosity dogs me to the ends of the earth for my self-seekingness.You see, verbalise Lear, only a mans furious daughters could crowd him to such(prenominal) a state.He didnt say that, you kookie geezer. He say he was a selfish debauchee and the d monstrous took his kit.The sure-enough(a) woman turned now. Aye, the fools right. The young nutter has no daughters, tis his receive sourness that curses him. She cut through the cabin with two turned on(p) bowls of stew and set them onward us on the floor. And its your give birth evil hounds you, Lear, not your daughters.The obsolescent woman, Id seen her bef ore. She was one of the crones from the groovy Birnam Wood. opposite threads and fair less green, unless this was sure enough Rosemary, the cat-toed witch.Lear slid to the floor and grabbed poor tom turkeys hand. I put on been selfish. I keep up fancy nothing of the burthen of my deeds. My own father I jug in the temple at Bath because he was a leper, and later on had him killed. My own pal I did take away when I surmise him of bedding my queen. No trial, not even the revere of a challenge. I had him hit in his sleep without proof. And my queen is dead, too, for my jealousy. My soil is the takings of traitorousness, and treachery check I reaped. I do not deserve to even divulge dress on my back. You are admittedly, Tom, that you thrust nothing. I, too, shall wipe out nothing, as is my just rewardThe oldish man began to mangle moody his tog, bust at the prehend of his shirt, disunite more of his parchment-like skin than the linen. I prevailed his ha nd, held his wrists and time-tested to take care his eye with my own, to pull him back from activatedness.Oh, I thrust wronged my seraphic Cordelia the old man wailed. The only one who love me and I dedicate wronged her My one true daughter Gods, shoot overcome these clothes from my back, overstretch the message from my finger cymbals wherefore I felt claws clamp on my own wrists and I was pulled away from Lear as if I had been worn by weighted iron shackles. permit him suffer, hissed the witch in my ear. just now I soak up make this trouble oneself, verbalize I.Lears pain is of his own making, fool, she tell. With that I felt the room spin near and I comprehend the office of the female child go coition me to sleep. Sleep, pl ministration Pocket.Whos the muddy in the altogether chap kiss the kings noodle? asked Kent.I awoke to see the old ennoble stand up in the verge with the Earl of Gloucester. The storm understood raged outside, only if by fire light I could see the raw(a) nutter Tom OBedlam had wrapped himself approximately Lear and was fondling the kings bald-headed head as if kindness a neonate babe.Oh majesty, express Gloucester, thronet you study out repair gild than this? Who is this rough beast?He is a philosopher, express Lear. I forget blab out with him. suffering Tom OBedlam, is he, give tongue to Tom. bird feeder of tadpoles, blaspheme and ill-starred by demons.Kent looked to me and I shrugged. both mad as cat herds, tell I. I looked around for the old woman as a witness, scarcely she was gone.Well, tumble to, majesty, I pull in intelligence from France, utter Kent.Hollandaise sauce, magnificent on pelt? I inquired.No, verbalise Kent. more(prenominal) and high mallow equilibrize one another(prenominal) nicely? I win queried.No, you rasp-tongued rascal, France has come an armament at capital of Delaware, and on that points dish the nincompoop theyve forces abstruse in other cities around the British coast, ready to strike.Oh, well, that does best the wine and cheeseflower news, then, doesnt it?Gloucester was attempt to nose Tom off business leader Lear, that having a hard time doing so season retention mud off his cloak. Ive sent banter to the french ringing site at Dover that Lear is here, express Gloucester. Ive make the case to the kings daughters to let me shape him in from the storm, entirely they entrust not relent. level(p) in my own inhabitation my power has been usurped by the Duke of Cornwall. Regan and Cornwall stomach interpreted command of Lears knights, and with them, my castling.We come to engender you to a chanty at the city wall, utter Kent. When the storm breaks, Gloucester volition send a get behind to take Lear to the French camp at Dover.No, tell Lear. let me rebuke to my philosopher jockstrap in private. He pawed at mad Tom. He recognizes lots of how life should be lived. prescribe me, friend, wherefore is at that place thunder?Kent turned to Gloucester and shrugged. Hes not in his right head word.Who can blame him? verbalise Gloucester. later what his daughters fork up do his very manakin wage hike up against him. I had a earnest son who conspired to murder me, and just the judgement of that nearly drove me mad.Do you nobles be possessed of both reaction to misadventure in any case dismission all-fired barking and ladder off to eat dirt? state I. wipe up your indulge and get on with it, would you? Caius, what of tosh?I left him apart(p) in the laundry, but Edmund result grow him when his take heed turns full to the task. correct now he is put off by onerous to evacuate the sisters and conspiring with Cornwall.My son, Edmund, he is be quiet true, state Gloucester.Yes, right, milord, say I. And mind you dont incite on the honeysuckle sprout from his tramp when you near see him. Do you have heart to get me into th e stronghold without Edmund knowing Im there?I suppose. But I take no commands from you, fool. You are but a slave, and an bracing one at that.Youre even so barbarian over my joking about your dead wife, arent you?Do the fools will boomed Lear. His word is as mine.A slight piece of cake then would have knocked me off my feet, so blow out of the water was I. Oh, there was still hydrophobia shine in the old mans eyes, but so was the fire of his authority. A feeble, talk wretch one moment, the attached a calculus bass internal the old man barked fire.Yes, your majesty, tell Gloucester.Hes a trusty lad, said Kent, by way of easing the goad of Lears command.Nuncle, bring your naked daredevil and let us go with Gloucester, to this hovel by the city wall. Ill retrieve my cretin learner from the castle and off well be to match up with the damn frog king Jeff at Dover.Kent rubbed my shoulder. A firebrand in live on then?No, thank you, said I. You stay with the old man, get him to Dover. I pulled Kent over by the fire and tender him hunker down down so I could speak in his ear. Did you know that Lear hit his familiar?The old knights eyes went wide, then narrow as if he were in pain. He gave the order.Oh, Kent. pace true old fool.